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House Rendering Harrogate

Exterior House Rendering Services In Harrogate

We Also Carry Out Large Repairs On Exterior House Rendering

Exterior House Rendering Services In Harrogate

House Rendering

Do you want the exterior walls of your Harrogate property to really create an impression? Are you fed up with grubby, tired-looking walls? Could your home do with a serious upgrade, offering a clean, sharp, modern appearance?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then Render Hero has the ultimate solution with our external house rendering service in Harrogate!


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What Is Render?

What Is Render?

External render has been used for centuries as a practical and decorative feature on buildings of all kinds.

In its basic form, render is a simple type of plaster applied to wall surfaces to protect the property from the elements and improve the external appearance. Traditional renders are like a coat of paint or plaster that you'd use for interior walls, but much thicker and often made of cement, sand, or lime. They are typically mixed onsite and applied in two or three coats.

These days, professionals (like Render Hero) use modern renders in addition to the more traditional render types, and each one has its unique properties and benefits.

Here are some of the more popular types of render we use...

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Monocouche Render

Monocouche rendering, derived from the French word for "single coat," has become the go-to choice for many homeowners in the UK seeking a modern, attractive, and functional exterior for their properties with a beautiful, smooth finish. Here's what makes it so popular: 

Simplified Application 

Unlike traditional renders that require multiple layers, monocouche is a one-coat system. This translates to quicker installation times, reduced labour costs, and less disruption during your home improvement project. 

Colourful Options 

Monocouche renders come pre-coloured (pigment is added during the manufacturing process), eliminating the need for a separate paint application. This not only saves time and money but also ensures a consistent, long-lasting colour throughout the render's lifespan. You'll find a wide range of colours to choose from, allowing you to perfectly complement the style of your home and achieve the desired aesthetic. 

Weather Resistance 

Monocouche is a cement-based render formulated to withstand the harsh elements common in the UK climate. It's highly water-resistant, protecting your walls from rain, sleet, and snow. This resistance helps prevent water ingress, which can lead to damp problems and structural damage. 

Breathable Properties 

Unlike some render options, monocouche allows your walls to breathe. This breathability helps to regulate moisture within the property, preventing condensation and mould growth. It can also contribute to a healthier and more comfortable indoor environment. 

Thermal Insulation 

Monocouche render offers good thermal insulation properties. This can help to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, potentially reducing your energy bills and improving overall energy efficiency. 


Monocouche render is a versatile mix that combines several key ingredients: 

  • Cement - provides strength and durability to the render. 
  • Sand - creates bulk and texture in the render. 
  • Aggregates - These are small, inert particles that further enhance the render's strength and structure. 
  • Pigments - Colouring agents that give the render its desired colour. 

Polymers – To improve the render's flexibility and adhesion, making it more resistant to cracking.

Lime Render 

This material, used for centuries in construction, is experiencing a resurgence in popularity due to its unique properties and suitability for older buildings.  

Here's what makes it a great option for your home: 

Breathable Material 

Unlike some modern renders, lime rendering is naturally breathable. This allows moisture vapour to pass through the walls, preventing damp issues and promoting a healthy indoor environment. This breathability is particularly beneficial for old properties with solid wall construction. 

Compatibility with Older Buildings 

Lime render is sympathetic to the materials used in traditional construction methods. It allows for natural movement in the structure, reducing the risk of cracking compared to more rigid renders. This makes it a good choice for restoration and renovation projects.

Self-Healing Properties 

Lime rendering is self-healing to some extent. Small cracks can naturally knit themselves back together over time, reducing the need for frequent maintenance. This adds to the lifespan and durability of the render. 


Compared to sand and cement renders, lime rendering generally requires a larger investment. However, its longevity and breathability benefits can outweigh the initial cost in the long run. 


While durable, it can be weaker than some modern render options. That is, it is more prone to accidental damage. This is a consideration if your property requires a highly robust exterior finish. 


Lime render is a simple mix of natural ingredients: 

  • Lime Putty - This acts as the binder, providing strength and adhesion to the render. 
  • Sand - Creates bulk and texture in the render. 

Aggregates - Small stones or recycled materials improve the render's structure and strength.

Acrylic Render 

This is a popular choice for modern homes, thanks to its ease of use, durability, and attractive finish. Here's a closer look at the key characteristics: 

Low Maintenance 

Acrylic render is known for being easy to maintain. Unlike some renders that require regular painting, this render option is coloured throughout, eliminating the need for additional coatings. This translates to lower maintenance costs and time savings in the long run. 

Weather Resistance 

Acrylic render is formulated to withstand the UK climate. It has good water resistance, protecting your exterior walls from rain, wind, and UV rays. This durability helps to maintain the render's appearance and lifespan. 

Colour Versatility 

Like monocouche, acrylic rendering comes pre-coloured in a wide range of options. This allows you to choose a colour that complements your home's style and creates the desired aesthetic. 


One potential drawback of acrylic render is its reduced breathability compared to some other render options. This can be a concern for older buildings with solid wall construction, as it may trap moisture within the walls. 

The key is to select the right render for the property and substrate in question.  

Crack Resistant 

While acrylic renders have a reputation for being prone to cracking, this is only an issue in instances where it has been applied incorrectly, an inferior brand of render was used, the substrate wasn’t prepared properly, or there is significant subsidence in the building structure.  

A good-quality acrylic render applied by professionals is far less likely to crack than many other types of renders.  


Acrylic render is a combination of synthetic and natural materials: 

  • Acrylic Resin - Acts as a binder, providing strength, flexibility, and weather resistance to the render. 
  • Sand - Adds bulk and texture to the render. 
  • Aggregates - Small stones or recycled materials enhance the render's strength and structure. 

Pigments - Colouring agents to achieve the desired pre-coloured finish.

Silicone Render

Silicone rendering is the most recent innovation in render technology, with multiple advantages and benefits:

Superior Water Resistance 

Silicone render boasts exceptional water resistance, making it a perfect choice for the UK's often wet climate. This resistance is attributed to the silicone resin, which forms a hydrophobic (water-repellent) barrier on the render's surface. This translates to several advantages: 

  • Reduced Rain Penetration - Silicone render effectively repels rainwater, preventing it from soaking into the walls. This protects the underlying brickwork from moisture damage, which can lead to problems like damp, mould growth, and structural issues. 
  • Improved Durability - By minimising water ingress, silicone render helps to maintain the structural integrity of your walls and extend the lifespan of the render itself. Water penetration can cause the render to crack and deteriorate over time, but silicone's water-repellent properties help to prevent this. 
  • Reduced Maintenance - The water-resistant nature of silicone render means it requires less ongoing maintenance compared to some other renders. Dirt and grime tend to wash away more easily with rainfall, reducing the need for frequent cleaning. 

Self-Cleaning Properties 

Some silicone renders boast self-cleaning properties. While not entirely self-cleaning in the traditional sense, the render's hydrophobic surface repels dirt and grime, making it more difficult for them to adhere. Additionally, rainwater can help wash away loose dirt particles, contributing to a cleaner appearance. However, it's important to note that this doesn't eliminate the need for all cleaning; stubborn stains or built-up dirt may still require occasional cleaning with appropriate methods. 

Durability and Longevity 

Silicone render is generally considered a highly durable exterior finish. The silicone resin provides strength and flexibility, making the render resistant to cracking and weathering. This translates to a longer lifespan compared to some other render options, potentially reducing the need for costly repairs or replacements over time. 

Important Notes

  • Material Cost - Silicone render is typically the most expensive render option on the market. While its durability and low maintenance requirements can offer long-term cost benefits, the initial investment can be higher upfront. 
  • Breathability - Similar to acrylic render, silicone render can be less breathable compared to some traditional options like lime render. This reduced breathability can be a concern for period properties with solid wall construction, as it may trap moisture within the walls. However, some manufacturers offer these renders with improved breathability properties. 
  • Chemical Cleaning - While generally low maintenance, silicone render may require specific cleaning methods to avoid damaging the surface. Harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning techniques should be avoided. 


  • Silicone Resin - This key ingredient gives the render its superior water resistance, self-cleaning properties, and flexibility. 
  • Sand - adds bulk and texture to the render. 
  • Aggregates - Small stones or recycled materials that boost the render's strength and stability. 

Pigments - These colouring agents give the render its desired pre-coloured finish.

Tyrolean Render

Tyrolean rendering, named after the Tyrol region in Austria, where similar finishes are common, is a popular option for homeowners seeking a distinctive textured exterior for their properties.  

Here’s an overview of its unique qualities: 

Distinctive Textured Finish 

Unlike the smooth render finish of the monocouche or acrylic options, Tyrolean render boasts a rough, pebbled, or textured appearance. This unique aesthetic adds a rustic charm and visual interest to any building's exterior. 

Durable and Weather-Resistant 

Tyrolean render is typically a cement-based mix, often incorporating additives like silicone for enhanced weather resistance. This makes it a strong and durable option that can withstand the elements common in the UK climate. 

Water Repellence 

The textured surface of Tyrolean render helps to shed water, minimising the risk of water ingress and subsequent damage to the underlying walls. 

Advantages of Tyrolean Render 

  • Unique Aesthetics - The textured render finish provides a distinctive look that can complement various architectural styles, from traditional to contemporary. 
  • Durability - Tyrolean render is known for its strength and resistance to harsh weather conditions. 
  • Low Maintenance - The textured surface can help to hide minor imperfections and may require less frequent cleaning compared to smoother renders. 

Other Considerations  

  • Application Expertise - Proper application of Tyrolean render requires specific skills and techniques to achieve the desired textured finish. The Render Hero team is highly skilled in this area and will provide perfect results.  
  • Cost - While not necessarily the most expensive option, Tyrolean render can be slightly more costly than some smoother render finishes due to the specialised application process. 
  • Breathability - The breathability of Tyrolean render can vary depending on the specific mix used. Some formulations with added silicone might have slightly reduced breathability compared to traditional lime render. 


  • Cement - Forms the base of the render, providing strength and durability. 
  • Sand - Adds bulk and texture to the render, influencing the final appearance. 
  • Additives - Various additives, such as silicone or aggregates, can be incorporated to enhance specific properties like water resistance or strength. 

Pigments - While often left in its natural grey colour, Tyrolean render can also be pigmented to achieve a desired colour.

Polymer Render 

This is a broad term encompassing renders that incorporate synthetic polymers alongside traditional render materials. This combination offers a range of benefits, making it a popular choice for modern homes.  

Here are the key characteristics: 

  • Adaptability - The term polymer renders encompasses various render types. Polymers can be added to traditional materials like sand and cement or combined with acrylic resins to create different render options. This versatility allows for a variety of finishes and properties to suit specific needs. 
  • Improved Strength and Flexibility - The inclusion of polymers often enhances the strength and flexibility of the render compared to traditional options like sand and cement render. This improved flexibility can help to reduce the risk of cracking, particularly with any slight movement in the underlying structure. 
  • Enhanced Weather Resistance - Polymers can contribute to improved weather resistance. Depending on the specific type of polymer render, this might translate to better water repellence, UV resistance, or improved resistance to freeze-thaw cycles. 

Benefits of Polymer Render

  • Versatility - This render offers a range of options to suit different aesthetic and performance requirements. 
  • Improved Durability - Polymers can enhance the render's strength and flexibility, leading to a more durable finish. 
  • Weather Resistance - Many polymer renders offer good resistance to the elements common in the UK climate. 

Other Considerations 

  • Breathability - The breathability of this render can vary depending on the specific type used. Some formulations might have slightly reduced breathability compared to traditional lime render. This is a consideration for older properties with solid walls (as opposed to having a cavity between two walls). 
  • Cost - This option can be more expensive than traditional sand and cement render, but the cost can vary depending on the specific type and its properties. 
  • Low Maintenance - It depends on the specific type of polymer render, but they generally require little maintenance.  


The composition of polymer render varies depending on the specific type, but it typically includes: 

  • Cement - This is a common base material that provides strength and structure. 
  • Sand - Adds bulk and texture to the render. 
  • Polymers - Added to enhance specific properties like strength, flexibility, or water resistance. 

Additives - Depending on the desired properties, additional ingredients like aggregates, pigments, or water repellents might be included.

Pebble Dash/Wet Dash

Both pebble dash and wet dash rendering are popular rendering techniques used to create textured exterior finishes for houses in Harrogate. While they share some similarities, there are key differences in their appearance and application methods. 

Pebble Dash 

  • Appearance. Pebble dash is known for its rough, textured surface, which is achieved by embedding small pebbles (usually 3-10mm in diameter) into the render. This creates a distinctive, rustic aesthetic that can be quite charming for traditional or cottage-style properties. 
  • Application. The rendering process for pebble dash involves two stages: 
  1. A base coat of render is applied to the exterior wall. 
  2. While the base coat is still wet, small pebbles are thrown or pressed onto the surface, adhering to the render and creating the textured finish. 
  • Benefits. Pebble dash offers good weather resistance and durability. The textured surface can also help to mask minor imperfections in the underlying wall. 
  • Considerations. Pebble dash can be a more time-consuming and labour-intensive application process than wet dash. The textured surface might also be more difficult to clean than smoother renders. 

Wet Dash 

  • Appearance. Wet dash provides a more subtle textured finish compared to pebble dash. The texture typically comes from the addition of small stones or aggregates mixed directly into the render material, resulting in a more uniform, slightly roughened surface. 
  • Application. Wet dash involves a single application process. The render mix, already containing the small stones or aggregates, is applied directly to the wall surface, creating the textured finish in one go. 
  • Benefits. Wet dash is generally a quicker and easier application process compared to pebble dash. The smoother texture might also be easier to maintain and clean. 
  • Considerations. The specific texture of wet dash can vary depending on the size and type of aggregates used in the render mix. It might not offer the same level of visual impact as pebble dash. 

Choosing Between The Two 

The best choice for your property depends on your desired aesthetic and practical considerations. 

  • If you prefer a more traditional, rustic look with a rough texture, pebble dash might be a good option. 
  • If you prefer a more subtle texture that's easier to maintain, wet dash might be a better choice. 

Additionally, consider factors like the style of your property and the overall look you're aiming to achieve.

How Long Does House Render Last?

How Long Does House Render Last?

A typical render system in Harrogate can last anywhere from 20 to 40 years.

However, several factors can influence how long your render actually lasts: 

  • Render Type - Different render types have varying lifespans. For instance, some modern options like silicone render might boast a lifespan exceeding 40 years, while traditional sand and cement render might need re-rendering sooner, potentially within 20 years. 
  • Quality of Installation - Proper installation techniques significantly impact the render's lifespan. A well-applied render with the correct base coats and proper thickness will last longer than a poorly applied one. 
  • Maintenance - Regular maintenance, such as cleaning* and addressing minor cracks promptly, can extend the lifespan of your render. Neglected render is more susceptible to deterioration. 
  • Weather Exposure - Exposure to harsh weather conditions, like constant rain or strong winds, can take a toll on the render and shorten its lifespan. 

*We also offer a render cleaning service!

Here's a quick reference for the lifespan of some popular render options: 

  • Monocouche - 30+ years  
  • Sand and Cement - 20-30 years 
  • Lime - 20-50 years 
  • Acrylic - 20-40 years 
  • Silicone - 40+ years 

Pebble Dash/Wet Dash - 20 to 40 years

Is House Rendering Worth It?

A coat of fresh, new render can be a fantastic investment for your Harrogate property, offering a multitude of benefits that can enhance its appearance, value, and overall performance. Here's a closer look at why rendering your house might be a worthwhile decision:

Enhanced Kerb Appeal 

First impressions matter, and rendering can dramatically transform the look of your house. A fresh coat of render in a chosen colour can give your property a clean, modern, or even a classic and timeless aesthetic, depending on your preference. Coloured render provides a visual upgrade that can significantly boost your home's kerb appeal, making it stand out on the street and potentially increasing its value. 

Improved Weather Protection 

Rendering acts as a protective layer for your external walls, shielding them from the elements. This translates to better resistance to rain, wind, and UV rays. A good render system can help to prevent water ingress, which can lead to damp problems and structural damage if left unchecked. This protective barrier can contribute to the longevity of your home's exterior. 

Increased Thermal Efficiency 

Certain render options, particularly those with good insulating properties, can contribute to improved thermal efficiency. This can help keep your house warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, potentially leading to reduced energy bills and a more comfortable living environment. 

Reduced Maintenance 

Modern render systems generally don't require a lot of maintenance compared to traditional brickwork. Depending on the chosen render type, you might find that cleaning becomes easier, and repainting (for non-coloured renders) with masonry paint might not be necessary as frequently. This can save you time and money in the long run. 

Potential Value Increase 

A well-maintained rendered property can be more attractive to potential buyers, potentially fetching a higher price on the market. The improved kerb appeal, weather protection, and potential energy efficiency all contribute to the overall value proposition of your home. 

Versatility and Choice 

Rendering is available in various colours, textures, and finishes. This allows you to customise the look of your house to perfectly complement its architectural style and your personal taste. Whether you prefer a sleek modern look or a more traditional textured finish, there's a render option to suit your vision. 

Investment in Your Home 

House rendering can be seen as an investment in your property. The benefits it offers in terms of aesthetics, visual appeal, weather protection, and potential value increase can contribute to the overall enjoyment and value of your home for years to come.

Is House Rendering Worth It?
Do You Need Planning Permission?

Do You Need Planning Permission?

It's not usually required for most types of render unless you live in an AONB or Conservation Area. Also, if you have a period property, there may be restrictions as to the type of render coat you can choose.

For the most part, rendering a house is covered by the Permitted Development Rights, so you don't need to worry about planning permission.

If you live in a terraced house or semi-detached,

Building regulations may apply, as the rules regarding the minimum thickness of insulation material are frequently changing, particularly in relation to replacing or upgrading the existing render.

However, it's best to confirm this with your local planning department if there is any doubt or if you want to be absolutely certain.

External wall insulation

While cavity wall insulation is a great way to save money and make your home more energy efficient, it's not always an option.

In these cases, we can install external wall insulation (EWI), which involves adding an insulating layer to the outside walls of your house using layers of insulation, mesh and a top coat render. This additional layer helps to trap heat inside your home, making it more energy-efficient and potentially reducing your heating bills. 

Benefits of External Wall Insulation

  • Improved Energy Efficiency 
  • Reduced Heating Bills 
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint 
  • Reduced Noise Pollution 

Things to Consider

  • Cost - EWI can be a significant upfront investment, although potential energy bill savings can help offset the cost over time. Government grants might be available to help with the installation costs. 
  • Planning Permission - In some cases, you may need planning permission from your local council planning office before installing EWI, especially if you are based in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), National Park or Conservation Area. 
  • Disruption - The installation process can be disruptive, and you might need to temporarily vacate your home while the work is being done. 

Maintenance - The type of external finish applied to the EWI (render or cladding) will determine the maintenance requirements.

External wall insulation
How Much Does House Rendering Cost In Harrogate?

How Much Does House Rendering Cost In Harrogate?

The total cost of rendering a house in Harrogate can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as:

  • Property Size
  • Render Type 
  • Condition of Walls (including any existing render) 
  • Scaffolding  
  • Labour Costs 

Average Costs 

For a typical-sized house (around 3 bedrooms), expect to pay anywhere from £2,500 to £8,000 for rendering the entire property. 

This range can be further broken down based on render type: 

  • Budget Option (e.g., basic sand and cement): £2,500 - £4,000 
  • Mid-Range Option (e.g., monocouche): £3,000 - £5,500 
  • High-Performance Option (e.g., silicone): £5,000 - £8,000+ 

Additional Costs  

  • Waste Removal - There might be additional costs for disposing of the old render any building waste generated during the rendering process. 

Building Regulations - In some cases, building regulations approval might be required for rendering projects.

Render Hero Professional House Rendering Services In Harrogate

Breathe new life into your property with a stunning and long-lasting render from Render Hero. We offer a variety of high-quality render options to suit any style and budget. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and flawless results.

Contact the Render Hero Harrogate team today for a free quote and discover how a fresh render can transform your home!

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is house rendering and why is it important?

House rendering involves applying a mixture of sand, cement, and lime to exterior walls to protect and enhance their appearance. It's crucial for weather resistance and insulation, while also updating the aesthetic of a home.

How much does house rendering cost in the UK?

The cost of house rendering in the UK varies depending on the material and size of the property, typically ranging from £40 to £60 per square metre for a sand and cement render.

What types of rendering materials are available?

Various rendering materials are available including traditional cement render, acrylic, silicone, and mineral renders, each offering different benefits in terms of durability, finish, and weather resistance.

How long does house rendering last?

Render on a house typically lasts between 20 to 40 years, depending on the type of render used and exposure to weather conditions.

What is the process of applying render to a house?

The process of applying render involves preparing the wall surface, applying a base coat, then a finish coat, and finally a protective topcoat, ensuring each layer is appropriately cured for durability.

Can rendering improve the insulation of my home?

Yes, rendering can significantly improve the insulation of your home, especially when integrated with external wall insulation systems, helping to reduce heat loss and energy bills.
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